Posted by: lafoole | May 20, 2008





Glossary Biology


Abdomen: Posterior body region of an arthropod, region in

Vertebrate housing many internal organs,

Abiotic factors.physical non living aspect which interact with the organism of an


Abscision: (ab SIZH unh), the falling of leaves from trees

Abscision layer: group of cells, which form between the stem and the petiole of a leaf.

Abyssal zone: deepest part of the ocean where light is absent.

Acceleration area in the medulla oblongata from which The accleretor nerve originate

Accelerator nerve: nerve which increase the heart beat by stimulating the SA node

Acetylcholine: neurotrasprantmitter, which is produced by the vagus nerve and inhibits the rate of contration of heart, muscles in human.

Acid > substance which in solution has a large number of hyrogen ions then hydroxide


Acquired characteristic < change in an organism caused by use of disuse of certain    body parts

Actin:  substance, which in solution has a large number of hyrogen ions than hydroxide ion.

Action potentail; revversal of  ploarity and flow of ions in a neuron cuased by the stimulus.

Activation energy energy source necessary to start some chemical reactions

Active site particular portion of an enzyme molescule, which fits a substance

Active trasport energy requiring process in which a cell plays a role in th e passage of materail across the plasma membrane

Adaptation inhereited charateristic which enabales a living thing to survive in it natural enviroment.

Adaptice radiation: evolution of many news  forms from a single ancestor

Adenine one of the bases in nucleic acids

Adenisine diphospghate complex molecule containing adenine,ribone and two phosphates

Adebisube triohosphate complex molecule containing adenine,ribone and three phosphatees used as an enegery source in all organism,

Adhesion attraction between unlike molecules.

Adrenal contex outer portion of the adrenal glad.

Adrenal gland endocrine glad on top of each gland


Adrenal medulla endoctine glad on top of each kioney

Adrenaline: hormone secreted enables the body to cope with emergencies also called epinephrine.

Adrenocirtucitrophic hormone. ACTH hormone secreted by the anterior pituitry, stimulatles the andrenal cortex to secrete its hormones


Aerobe respiraation: organism, which uses oxygen in respiration.

Agglutination:  process in which red blood cells clump toghter


Aldosterone:  hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex, controls salt level in the blood

Algae: inicellular or multicellular photosynthetic protist

Algal bloom:  rapid growth of algea

Alimentary: canal, long, hollow tube in animals throught which food passes during 


Allantois: sac, which collects metabolic waste products in the shelled egg, also functions

            With the chorion in gas exchange

Allele: dominant or ressesive form, which a gene may take

All or none responsive: a muscle fiber contracts fully or does n’t contact at all, a neuron

Either carries an impulse or does nt not carry it at all.

Alternation of generation: life cycle in plants and plantlike prostists, dipliod and

Monoploid generation follow each other

Altitudinal: succession, cintinous succesion of community types from low hight altitutes

Alveoli: small, moist sac in the lungs, sites of gas exchange

Amerinds: An mjor human race in one system of classification, which includes American, Indians and Eskimos.

Amino: acids compound which are the building blocks of protiens.

Ammonification: stage of the nortrogen cycles during which bacteria metabolize amino acids and produce ammonia.

Amniocentesis: technique in which some of the amniotic fluid sorounding an embryo is removed for analysis.

Amnion: fluid filled sac surrounding the embroyo protects the embryo and keeps it moist.


Amoeboid: motion, movement by pseudopodia, motion of amoebae and amoebalike cells.

Amphibians, vertebrates that live both on land and in water, class amphibia.

Anaerobic: respiration , respiration in the absence in respiration.

Anaphase: phase of mitosis during which one strand of each chromosome is pulled to each pole of the cell, phase in meiosisos I in which homologous chromosomes are separated and pulled to each pole of the cell.

Anatomy: study of the structures of organisms.

Androgens: male sex hormones

Anemia: disease in which the number of new red blood cells produced is less than the number being destroyed.

Angiosperms: flowering plants.

Angstrom: extremely small linear unit measuring only 0,0000001 mm.  


Animal: multicellur, heterotrophic organism, usualy mobile, most are controlled by nerves.

Animal pole: top haft of a frog egg composed of cytoplasm and a dark pigment.

Annelids: segmented worms, phylum annelida.

Annual ring: circular lines in a woody stem, which represent growth during a year.

Antennae: organs of hearing and balance in arthropods.

Anterior: front part of an animal.

Aneterior pituitary :one of the two lobes of the pituitery gland, many of its hormones control other endocrine glands.

Anther: male sporangium at the tip of stamens.

Antheridium: male sex organ in bryophytes and ferns.


Antibody: chemical, which fights off a virus or other foreign microorganism.

Anticodon: set of three bases at one end of tRRNS, fits only certain codon of mRNA

Antigen: specific protein on the surfaces of red blood cells, any foreign protein which causes antibody formation.

Anus: opening through which undigested materials are expelled.

Aorta: large artery leading from the heart.

Aortic: arches, five pair of enlarged tubes heart in annelids.

Apical dominance: effect, which retards the growth of lateral buds in the presence of the apical bud.

Appendix: small organs attacked to the large intestine, vestigial in humans.

Arachnids: class of arthropods, spiders, ticks, mites, and scorpions.


Arboreal: tree dwelling

Archegonium: female sex organ in bryophytes and ferns.

Archenteron: internal cavity in the developing embryo develops in to the alimentary canal.

Artery: blood vessel, which carries blood away from the heart to the body.


Arthropods: animals having an exoskeleton and joined appendages phylum arthropoda.

Artificial selection: procedure in which humans breed organism with most desirable features.

Ascending colon: portion of the large intestine into which undigested materials from the small intestine pass.

Ascus: sacklike structure in which spores are produced by meiosis in certain fungi.  


Asexual: reproduction, reproduction in which a single parent produces one or more offspring by mitosis.


Assocaition neuron: neuron, which connects sensory neurons and motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord.


Atom: smallest particles of an elementm basic building block of all matter.

ATP ADP Cycles. Series reaction by which ATP is converted to ADP and ADP is converted back to ATP

Atrioventricular: node, small bundle of tissue between atria and ventricles, which receives the current from the SA node

Aatrium: heart chamber which receives blood in vertebrates, also called auricle.


Australoids: major human race in one system of classification, includes Australian aborigines.

Australipithecus: genus of prehumans that lived around 2 million ears ago in Southern Africa


Autonomic: nervous system, system which controls involuntry response.

Aurtosome: body chromosome, as distibguished from sex chromosome.

Autoroph: organism, which can produce it own food.

Auxin: plant hormone.

Aves: class of verbrates charaterized by feathers and lightweight bones for fight.


Axon: long part of a neuron leading away from the cell body, trasmits impulse away from the cell

Bacili: rod shaped bacteria.

Bacteria: very small. Prokaryotic, unicellular, heterotrophic organisms

(Lack nuclei and some organelles)


Bacterial trasformation: change in heredity traits in one bacterium caused by another bacterium.

Bacteruiphage: virus which reproduces in bacteria,also called phage.

Bark: outermost layers of a woody stem.

Base: substance, which in solution has a greater concentration of hydroxide IONS than hydrogen IONS an alkaline solution.

Basidia: club shaped spore-producing structure in certain fungi.

B-cell: lymphocyte, which does not pass through the thymus gland, divides to form a clone and produces antibodies.

Behevior: responses made by an organism to the stimuli of its enviroment.

Behevioral: adaptation, adaptation involving reactions to the enviroment.

Benthos: animals, which live, attached to or crawl on the ocean floor.

Bicuspid valve: valve, which prevents blood from, forced back in to the left atrium when the left ventricle contracts

Bilateral symmetry: body pattern in which only one longitudinal cut will produce two sides that are mirror.

Bile: greenish liquid produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder, emulfies fat in the small interstine.

Binomial nomenclature: two term naming system used in classifying organism.

Biogenesis: thoery, which states that at the present time and under present condition on earth, all living thing are produced from other living things.

Biological clock: mechanism, which controls certain time, related activities of animals.

Biological control: using natural, boilogical methods of controling pest populations.

Biologist: one who studies biology.

Biomass: total mass of a group of organisms per unit of area.

Biome: communities characterized by the same major life form,such as tundra.

Biosphere: total world of life.

Biotic factors: relationship among living organism in an ecosystem.

Biotic: tendency of all organisms to reproduce in large numbers, reproductive potentail.

Bipedal: locomotion: locomotion on two feet.

Birthrate: number of organism born in a given time period.

Bivalves: mollusks, which have two shells, include clams, oysters and mussels.

Blade: expanded part of a leaf.

Blastocoel: fluid filled cavity inside the blastula.

Blastipore: opening formed by the dorsal lip cutting into the blastula.


Blastula: hollow ball of cells in the early delopment of an embryo.

Blood: liquid which serves as an exchange medium between the internal parts of an organism and its external enviroment.

Blood pressure: pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the blood vessels.

Bone: living tissue, which makes up the endoskeleton of most vertebrates.

Botany: stduy of plants

Bowman’s capsule: cup shaped part of a nephron

Brain: major coordinating center in vertebrate, nerve center in invertebrates similar in position and function to the vertebrate brain.

Breathing: movement of air into the and out of the lungs of complex animals.


Breathing Center:  area in the medulla oblongata, which controls the breath rate.

Bronchi: two large tubes branching from trachea in the lungs.

Bronchioles: tiny braches of the  bronchial tubes.

Bryophytes: most primitive of true land plants. Moses and liveworts.

Budding: type of vegetative propagation in which an out growth on the parent organism and later separates giving rise to a new organism.

Bulb: short underground stem surrounded by many scales, modified leaves.

Calvin cycle: pattern of reaction in the dark reaction of photoscnthesis.

Cambium. Tissue which as a plant grows in diameter.



















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